NUR ACADEMy is a English Medium branch of NUR ADARSHA SISHU NIKETAN situated at Moran Katkahti. The whole campus is well protected and just 100meters away from National High Way. Established in 2003, ADARSHA SISHU NIKETAN presently has the following branches: 

  1. NUR ACADEMY NURSERY:(English Medium) From Play to UKG
  2. NUR ACADEMY:(English Medium) From Class I to XII(Arts)
  3. NUR ADARSHA SISHU NIKETAN: (Assamese Medium) From Class I to XII(Arts)



From Principal’s Desk:

Dear Parents,


This prospectus is designed to give you an outline of our school and what we can offer your child. I hope that you find this information useful. Choosing the right school for your child is a difficult decision for every parent but our prospectus is designed to give you an insight into our school which will help you to make a good decision.

At of NUR ADARSHA SISHU NIKETAN we are committed to providing the best possible education for your child. We have an established reputation for providing high standards and expectations within a well ordered and caring environment. Our aim is to encourage pupils to achieve their best and to lay the foundations on which their future learning is built. We believe that children learn best when they feel secure and their activities are interesting and enjoyable.

Moreover, we aim to develop a strong partnership with parents as we feel that if we are working towards a common goal this will help each child to achieve their very best.
There is no better way of choosing the right school for your child than by visiting. Hope, you will find our school in a warm, purposeful atmosphere where your children will be undoubtedly happy.

Yours sincerely,
Ms. Mofida Begum

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Satisfied Parents
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Students Enrolled
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100% Free courses
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